Evidence to support your personal injury claim

When you are injured due to the fault of another person, the attorneys at Grubbs Rickert Landry, PLLC are here to help you obtain your entitled compensation. Those injured need to focus on getting the best medical treatment and healing. We take the worry off your shoulders and handle the daunting insurance and legal process associated with your case. Under the law, the only remedy in injury cases is to receive a monetary award for your damages. The insurance adjusters and the attorneys who defend them devalue each case. There is a human value and a legal value to cases involving bodily injury. The two rarely are the same value. However, there are steps you can take to preserve the evidence to get the most legal value for your case.

Immediately following an accident, the insurance companies assign your claim to an adjuster. This adjuster will contact you to get a recorded statement about the accident. You should politely decline to talk with an adjuster without an attorney. Any statements you make will be evidence for valuing your claim. If you do speak to an adjuster, limit your communication to the facts of the accident. Any medical treatment or physical injury statements should be made through the medical records or your attorney.

Even if you are not at fault your insurance coverage may include underinsurance benefits. There will be an adjuster from your insurance company who may want to speak with you as well. Again it is best to have an attorney present if making any statements to these adjusters. Your “admissions” will be used to devalue the monetary amount of settlement. Even though this adjuster represents your insurance company, they do not represent you.

The evidence used to support your claim includes, statements from you, statements from witnesses, medical records and history of treatment, accident report, photographs and income loss. The more documentation available to support your claim and injury the better value that can be placed on the claim. Photos of injuries throughout the healing process are helpful. Photos of the damage to all vehicles involved can shall the significance of the crash. Call us at Grubbs Rickert Landry, PLLC immediately so we can help you preserve the best evidence for your claim. We help injured clients in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio. We serve Boone, Kenton and Campbell County residents. If your injury keeps you from traveling, we will come to you.