In Kentucky, or through Social Security Administration (SSA) short-term disability insurance is not guaranteed, and there are no laws protecting employees with short-term disabilities. However, there are other benefits that an employee can use if he is temporarily disabled. A countless number of people find themselves dealing with a temporary disability that is not permanent. Because of this many people turn to their own independent short-term disability insurance policies or employer-provided short-term disability coverage. The following are some examples of short term disability options you may have…
Short Term Disability Benefits
Employer-provided short-term disability benefits covers leave from work for a temporary disability, such as pregnancy, accidental injuries, and illnesses. Short term disability insurance replaces a portion of the employee’s income, which is a huge benefit for employees. The percentage of income paid depends on the insurance plan. The coverage typically lasts up to 52 weeks. Sometimes employers offer this type of insurance but the employee must sign up for it and it will be an add-on to your health insurance coverage.
Work-related Accidents
If you are temporarily disabled due to an accident or illness related to work, Kentucky’s worker’s compensation laws require that your receive medical treatment and disability pay.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
FMLA is a federal law that provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to employees for certain family and medical reasons. Kentucky State Government also offers enhanced Family Medical Leave (FML) benefits in some areas. Employees are entitled to continue their health insurance while on leave, at the same cost they must pay while working. FMLA leave is unpaid, but employees may be allowed (or required) to use their accrued paid leave during FMLA leave.
Disability Determination Services
Disability Determination Services makes disability determinations on behalf of the commissioner of Social Security for residents of Kentucky. The program uses federal regulations to determine disability for both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). The program also adheres to federal regulations for performance accuracy and processing time standards. Applications must be filed in one of the 27 Social Security offices in the State of KY.
If you need disability benefits you should learn your legal rights in Kentucky. Contact an experienced lawyer to help you get the benefits your need and deserve. They understand what benefits you will qualify for and how you can best secure them.
Contact us (859-341-2500) for a Free Consultation!
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